Those deals brought along 62 senators, just above the 60-vote threshold to keep the trade bill from falling to a filibuster. 这些交易争取到了62名参议员的支持,刚刚超过让该贸易法案避免拖延战术所需的60票门槛。
Negotiations have already begun on a broader trade bill that could include some currency provision, perhaps weaker than the one in the disputed customs measure. 相关方面已经就一项更加广泛的贸易法案开展谈判,其中包括一些与货币有关的规定,这些规定的力度或许不及存在争议的海关法案。
In April, Mr. Cruz wrote a commentary with Representative Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin, praising the trade promotion bill for giving Congress more power not less over future trade accords. 4月,克鲁兹与威斯康星州共和党众议员保罗·D·瑞安(PaulD.Ryan)共同撰写了一篇评论文章,称赞这项贸易促进法案在将来的贸易协定的问题上增加而非减少了国会的权力。
Under the trade promotion bill, such accords could not be considered by Congress for four months after completion, and for two of those months, the agreements would have to be made public and fully accessible. 根据这项贸易促进法案,此类协定在完成之后,不能再接受国会为期四个月的考评,而且其中两个月,这些协议还必须公开,完全可供查阅。
It clearly established trade negotiating authority has the votes it needs in the Senate, and it vindicated the strategy of McConnell, who strictly limited the number of amendments to the trade bill. 它清楚地证实了贸易谈判授权在参议院拥有所需的支持票数,也证明了麦康奈尔的战略是正确的&他此前严格限制了该贸易法案的修正案数量。
Voting to proceed to the measure on trade promotion is saying this bill is worthy of debate, Mr. McConnell pleaded on the Senate floor Monday, promising that senators could add amendments. 投票表决以便继续这项贸易推动议案,意味着这项法案值得讨论,麦康奈尔周一在参议院表示,承诺参议员会添加修订内容。
After the Senate voted 76 to 22 to cut off debate on the worker aid and African trade bill, senators agreed to pass it by voice vote. 参议院以76比22的投票结果停止了针对劳工援助法案和非洲贸易法案的争论,参议员同意用口头表决来通过这一法案。
The Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over trade, approved the currency bill on Friday with bipartisan support, paving the way for a vote in the full House next week. 分管贸易的筹款委员会(waysandmeanscommittee)周五在两党一致支持下通过了汇率法案,为该法案下周提交众议院全体投票表决铺平了道路。
This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support. 这项关于外贸交易法案的投票快要结束了,并且我确定希望我们能够得到那个人的支持。
In 2009, Mr Obama tried and failed to push through a cap and trade bill that would have put a price on carbon. 2009年,奥巴马曾试图推动一项为碳排放定价的限额和交易法案,但他的努力失败了。
And suddenly it wasn't a free trade bill anymore. 突然不是自由的通过议案。
He has so far refused to allow a vote on a China trade bill, saying it will set off a trade war. 他至今仍拒绝通过在中国的贸易法案进行表决,他认为这将掀起一场贸易战。
They have started to ask what would be the impact from a crash not just on the Chinese economy but also on global iron ore consumption, Latin American trade surpluses and treasury bill purchases. 他们开始想知道,上海股市的崩溃,会对中国经济,乃至全球铁矿石需求、拉美贸易盈余和美国国债购买产生什么影响。
It was not a free trade bill but rather attempted to place American industries in a genuinely competitive position with regard to European producers. 它不是一个自由贸易法,而是一种使美国工业与欧洲制造商展开真正竞争的尝试。
It seemed clear by late autumn that the ban would be significantly watered down or removed altogether before the trade bill became law ( George R.Packard) 到晚秋时,这项禁令看起来会被大大削弱或在贸易法案成为法律之前完全撤销(乔治R.帕卡德)
Dean Wallace, the Executive Director of the Council for Burley Tobacco, recently wrote to Canada's Minister of International Trade to express opposition to this bill. 白肋烟委员会的执行官迪恩·华莱士,最近向加拿大的国际贸易部长写信反对该法案。
But the fact that he is unlikely to be able to persuade the Senate to pass a reasonable cap and trade bill by then will only underscore foreign scepticism over his ability to deliver. 但在此之前,他也不太可能说服参议院通过合理的限量及交易法案,这只会加重其他国家对他兑现能力的怀疑。
Legalization of opium trade refers to an international trade with opium as commodity, permitted by the customs specific supervisory institutions of foreign trade in the sovereign state and listed in a regular trade bill and collected a certain proportion of customs. 鸦片贸易合法化是指鸦片作为商品经主权国家对外贸易特定监管机构海关许可,列入正常贸易货单并征收一定比例关税的国际贸易行为。
With the continuous development of international trade and shipping industry, bill of lading has evolved into property document evidence from general check receipt. 随国际贸易和航运事业的不断发展,提单也从一般托运收据发展成为物权凭证。
With the development of international trade, straight bill of lading has been frequently used in maritime transport, especially in general cargo transport. Correspondingly the disputes about straight bill of lading increase quickly. 随着国际贸易的发展,记名提单在海运实务的普通货物运输中被大量使用,因而有关记名提单的争议和纠纷也日益增多。
To represent and defend the legal rights and interests of the staff is a primary right given by the new Trade Union Bill and a basic function of trade union. 代表和维护职工的合法权益,是新颁《工会法》赋予工会的一项最基本的法律权利,是工会的基本职能。
Think of the Technical Barrier in the International Trade through the CR Bill 从CR法案看国际贸易中的技术壁垒
Problems Likely to Arise in the Endorsement of Trade Bill 商业票据背书中易发生的问题
In modern international trade the bill of lading has become the main mode of documentary transactions. 现代国际货物贸易已形成了以提单为核心的单证交易方式。
Nowadays our foreign trade companies mainly use three kinds of accounting methods in the export trade: international remittance, documentary bill for collection and documentary letter of credit. 目前我国外贸企业在出口业务中主要使用三种结算方式国际汇款、跟单托收和跟单信用证。
But has become the transportation of international trade constraint bill of lading the owner or holder of a right of the carrier obligations. 而是成为国际贸易运输中约束提单所有人或持有人相对于承运人的一种权利义务关系。
Therefore, improving and reforming the bill of lading system, Minimizing the negative effects of the bill of lading, giving fully play as trade ties and bridge of the bill of lading in international, maintaining international trade and shipping safety. 因此,完善和革新提单制度,最大限度地减少提单的负面效应,充分发挥提单在国际贸易中的纽带和桥梁作用,合理分配无单放货中各方的责任,维护国际贸易和航运的安全。
Hope to be helpful in decreasing bill disputes, securing trade and promoting bill circulation. 希望本文的写作对减少票据纠纷,保障交易安全,促进票据流通有所裨益。
With the rapid development of import and export business, trade finance by means of import bill advance has been rendered as one of the financial services by commercial banks. 随着我国进出口业务的迅猛发展,采取进口押汇的形式进行贸易融资是商业银行为拓展金融业务开发的新型产品。